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MD Midori Diary Book

MD Midori Diary Book
Today, we are going to introduce one of our favourite diary book - Midori Diary Book
With simple and elegant design, this simple and easy-to-use diary book by Midori is designed to encourage users' creativity.
This diary book includes a label and bookplate. The lable is printed with the year '17 and the word "DIARY". You can affix the label to the spine of the diary. The bookplate could be filled with your name or siganture, the date you use your diary book, or even your goals for the year, and then affixed it to the inside of the diary book, title page or the cover page.
A page of MD signature intro with a clean and simple column.
Story of 2017
2 Years Calendar Pages 

The monthly schedules features with monthly margins and lots of free spaces around the page. Use this area to freely to record any texts, sketches or illustrations. You may add notes and to-do lists, and sketch out any ideas to go along with your monthly schedule.

December 2016 - January 2018 (14 months)

Pages of horizontal-ruled notes area which split into eight sections.
Besides for recording notes, it allows you to use each of the eight sections separately. 
Below are some examples of how to use these pages:
1️⃣ MD Diary features pages of horizontal-ruled area which splinted into 8 sections for weekly schedules. A classic way of using it would be recording each day of a week for each section and a section for memo.
It will be enough for 56 weeks (a year) if writing this way.
2️⃣ Perhaps there's one day of the week you have more free time to your own stuff or there're more events on that particular day, you could give that day a 2-sections column so that you have more space to jot down your day.
3️⃣ If you prefer to write more, you could prepare 2 MD Notebook Diary for a year, and make it half page (2 sections) for a day 
4️⃣ A separation of work & leisure for each page, to be clear at a glance  
5️⃣Do use them freely as you like 
Free unlined pages,
use this section to free your imagination by recording ideas and sketches, or by using the two page spread as a single canvas.
to be continued, 2018
MD Notebook Diary does not have a cover as Midori think that a cover would impact the comfortably of writing.
MD Notebook Diary is wrapped with a cover sheet of paraffin paper instead of using a cover. This paraffin paper will guard your diary book against dirt and grime. You can use it with or without the paraffin paper to reveal the pristine form of the book.
We hope that you enjoy reading this and know more about Midori Diary Notebook.


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