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hase rubber stamp - 12 Constellations

RM82.00 MYR


Beautiful rubber stamps designed by hase, who is known for her expressive handwritings. Her delicate handwritings have bring personality and authenticity to her designed rubber stamps.

Great for adding touch of elegance and personality to your journal pages, outgoings, gift wrappings and other occasions. You could also change the direction of the stamp and use it to get different outcomes.

We hope you will enjoy explore and discover artistic and creativity in hase original works.


A / aries(おひつじ座):29×15(H 62)mm

B / taurus(おうし座):24×20(H 62)mm

C / gemini(ふたご座):19×33(H 62)mm

D / cancer(かに座):12×33(H 62)mm

E / leo(しし座):24×33(H 62)mm

F / virgo(おとめ座):15×31(H 62)mm

G / libra(てんびん座):13×42(H 62)mm

H / scorpio(さそり座):16×29(H 62)mm

I / sagittarius(いて座):12×39(H 62)mm

J / capricorn(やぎ座):16×30(H 62)mm

K / aquarius(みずがめ座):17×33(H 62)mm

L / pisces(うお座):16×30(H 62)mm

Designed by hase

Made in Japan