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⏱︎ In preparation of SOMe Market 3.0 𓃈


OURS Sticker Pack - Day Dreaming


Starting from the idea of a florist, this Spring collection by OURS brings you to explore scenes and little things that you can relate to the florist. This collection will allow you to imagine yourself in a beautiful florist, bringing joy and sparking your creativity with beautifully designed stationery products.

Behind each beautiful flower holds its own story and beauty of a journey. These stickers are beautifully printed with illustrations originally drawn by OURS. Each of them would create a beautiful and alluring vibe on your outgoings, craft projects or journal pages.



Content: sheets; 2 designs, each design available in 3 materials (paper, transparent,  washi sticker)

Size: 10x15cm

Designed by OURS 森林好朋友

Made in Taiwan